Monday, January 3, 2011

Kulla Family

We had a pretty good year of 2010. 
Here is the first 6 months in pictures:)

Christopher and Clint went to quilt group with Mom at the fire station and ended up getting a little tour.
Dad's birthday - January 28th. 

Dad read stories to the kids.
Walker's first time in his walker.

Bronwyn and Hunter made PB&J - all by themselves!!!
Our family went to Tillamook Cheese Factory.
We also went to the beach.

At Grandpa and Grandma's house we experienced quite a bit of snow on the 2nd.
Clayton's birthday was on the 7th - One of his presents was a bike.
We went to Hockinson park on the 9th ~ lots of fun!
My birthday was on the 13th.

Also April:
Dad, Mom and Walker went away for a weekend.
Reid's birthday was on the 15th ~ he likes pop, too:)

Rhoades family annual cleaning day at Grandpa and Grandma's.
Leona and Aiden made it out here to help with the cleaning!!
Clint's birthday was on the 13th.
Hunter's birthday was on the 19th.

Aimee made a poster about Niagara Falls.  She presented it to her class.
We made strawberry jam ~ yummy yummy!
The 18th was Aimee's 8th grade recognition. 
Rachel's birthday was on the 25th.  She had Haleigh, Melanie, Stacia and Tiffany over.

That's all for now, but I'll try to post the rest of 2010 within a few days:)
Love and God's Peace, Tara