Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A gingerbread house divided by 2

Forrest wanted to make this, and it is kinda like a gingerbread house, because it's a house with candy/sweets.  So here's our late gingerbread house . . . made out of graham crackers, marshmallows, candy, and hot chocolate powder . . . that was Aimee's idea:)

And here are all the kids with their house.  They ate it later that night with icecream . . . except for a few that had apple crisp instead and saved that for the next day at school.

Hunter was mad until I cheered him up when I let him get a picture of it with only himself . . . well pretty much, anyway!!!

By the way, today was a craft day at my Auntie Marti's house with Marti, Karen and us.  We had a great time. 

Well, hope to post soon as well as see your new posts,

Love, Tara

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